Create a new world? Sir Terry Prachett's Discworld.

A friend of mine recently sent me photos from his trip and they came at a point when I was wondering how it would be if the earth was different. So the experiment began, can images be combined on PicsArt to create a world that looks real but still different at the same time?

Original Image

With that thought in mind, I added a few mountains, grass at the foreground and image of a moon and forests in the background, then changed the color tone to appear sepia like. 

1st Edit.

Later on after listening to the Discworld series by Sir Terry Pratchett, I decided to add The Great A'Tuin, who is a giant turtle that carries four elephants that have the discworld balanced on their backs. It took a lot of experimenting and failed images but at the end I got an image that I'm a bit pleased with.
Great A'Tuin Discworld Series


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