
Showing posts from 2019

Mixed Media

Originally, I was just going to draw in biro a heart versus brain image that I had seen on Pinterest, but after completing the drawing I felt like it needed a bit of oomph. So this is the final digital image. I used Snapseed and PicsArt to add images onto the picture of my completed drawing. I used the double exposure tool with different transparencies and painted on the different patterns in layers on my image. Biro sketch with color and patterns edited in. Biro sketch in progress. This was where I started. I did a faint pencil sketch of the image, emphasizing the major outlines. I had to do it really faint because biro doesn't 'stick' to pencil.    Heart vs Brain Biro Sketch

Create a new world? Sir Terry Prachett's Discworld.

A friend of mine recently sent me photos from his trip and they came at a point when I was wondering how it would be if the earth was different. So the experiment began, can images be combined on PicsArt to create a world that looks real but still different at the same time? Original Image With that thought in mind, I added a few mountains, grass at the foreground and image of a moon and forests in the background, then changed the color tone to appear sepia like.  1st Edit. Later on after listening to the Discworld series by Sir Terry Pratchett, I decided to add The Great A'Tuin, who is a giant turtle that carries four elephants that have the discworld balanced on their backs. It took a lot of experimenting and failed images but at the end I got an image that I'm a bit pleased with. Great A'Tuin Discworld Series

The Messier the Better

This is the first official post - welcome, and please have a seat. This site will be full of my art experiments, from watercolor painting, charcoal drawings, color pencil sketches, to photo editing. It's a reaction to the mentality that you have to be special to create art.... well let's see what we can cook up. Also, feel free to send me any suggestions or your own attempts at creation. That said, let's just jump into it, folks. Photo Edit of a flower. Color Pencil Doodle.